Enov H080 UltraSan Ultra Virucidal Cleaner

  • Enov UltraSan Virucidal Cleaner Kills Coronavirus, Swine Flu, HIV, Hepatitis C, MRSA & Clostridium difficile.
  • It passes EN 1276, 13704, 1650, 14476 & 14675 Manufactured in the UK to ISO 9001, 14001 & 18001
  • Enov UltraSan cleans and sanitises frequently touched items such as door handles, tables, banisters etc. and is suitable for damp mopping floors.
  • It is independently proven to kill the HIV, Hepatitis C and H1N1 Influenza viruses.
  • Also certified to kill Clostridium difficile, MRSA and common food poisoning bacteria including Salmonella typhimurium, Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli.
SKU: BAR080-5 Category: -

Enov® H080 UltraSan Ultra Virucidal Cleaner frequently touched items such as door handles, tables, banisters etc. and is suitable for damp mopping floors. It kills Swine Flu, HIV, Hepatitis C, MRSA & Clostridium difficile.

Why choose Enov® H080 UltraSan Ultra Virucidal Cleaner?

  • Enov UltraSan Virucidal Cleaner Kills, Coronavirus, Swine Flu, HIV, Hepatitis C, MRSA & Clostridium difficile.
  • It passes EN 1276, 13704, 1650, 14476 & 14675 Manufactured in the UK to ISO 9001, 14001 & 18001
  • Enov UltraSan cleans and sanitises frequently touched items such as door handles, tables, banisters etc. and is suitable for damp mopping floors.
  • It is independently proven to kill the HIV, Hepatitis C and H1N1 Influenza viruses.
  • Also certified to kill Clostridium difficile, MRSA and common food poisoning bacteria including Salmonella typhimurium, Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli.

Where can you apply Enov® H080 UltraSan Ultra Virucidal Cleaner?

  • Enov UltraSan Virucidal Cleaner is an essential everyday product in the fight against cross infection.
  • It is particularly suitable for use in the care sector.
  • Enov UltraSan Virucidal Cleaner is also ideal for use in all public places including schools, sports facilities, gym equipment, hotel washrooms, animal handling etc.
  • It is bleach free, non-hazardous, non-toxic and safe to use on all common water washable surfaces.
  • Enov UltraSan Virucidal Cleaner is pleasantly perfumed and leaves a freshly cleaned fragrance to rooms.

How do you use Enov® H080 UltraSan Ultra Virucidal Cleaner?

  • Enov UltraSan Virucidal Cleaner can be used in various environments:
  • For damp mopping and killing HIV or food poisoning bacteria dilute 1 part Enov UltraSan with 40 parts warm water. Mop or wipe surfaces down as normal and leave to air dry.
  • For protection against Swine Flu and C. diff dilute 1 part Enov UltraSan in 10 parts water and trigger spray onto surfaces. Wipe with a cloth and leave to air dry. Enov UltraSan is QAC based and dilutions will be stable.
  • Heavily soiled surfaces should be cleaned prior to disinfecting.

All surfactants contained in Enov Products meet the requirements of the EU Detergent Directive 2005 and 2004/648/EC.
This requires all surfactants to break down both quickly and completely into harmless material such as CO2 and water.

Enov® H080 UltraSan Ultra Virucidal Cleaner Specification:

  • Composition: Enov® H080 UltraSan Ultra Virucidal Cleaner is a blend of advanced quaternary ammonium biocides and surfactants to produce a broad spectrum of killing power on a wide range of microorganisms including bacteria and viruses.
  • Appearance :Clear thin liquid
  • Colour: Purple
  • Density 1.04
  • pH: 9.8 - 10.8
  • Fragrance: Strong floral
  • Stability: 2 Years stored in unopened containers at ambient temperatures.
Product SKU BAR080-5
Weight 10.80 KG
Size 5 Litre
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